OASysFaq - The OASys Payroll & HRMS - OASys

Payroll & HRMS FAQ

Here you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about OASys. If you have a question not answered on this page, you can ask it here >OASys User Support <.

  1. General Issues
    1. Where do I find a summary on OASys and its features?
  2. Installation and Setup
    1. What operating systems does OASys run on?
    2. What license governs the use of OASys?
    3. Can I migrate my Payroll data?
    4. What are the dependencies of OASys?
    5. How can I install OASys in a specific directory?
    6. Can I install multiple copies of OASys?
    7. Can I manage multiple payroll from a single installation of OASys?
    8. How can I accces OASys data over the network?
    9. How do I create backups of my OASys environment?
    10. I dont remember the name of my OASys datafile?
    11. I Forget My Password ?
    12. How do I Setup Other Users?
  3. Managing Employee HR data
    1. How Do I Add The Employee Names?
    2. Can I Change An Employee Record After I have Saved It?
    3. I Don't Have Photo And The Other Personnel Data, Can I Save The Record Without It?
    4. What does "Basic Gross Pay " signify?
    5. Where Do I Log Training Information?
    6. How Do I Get A List Of All Employee With Over 10 Years Of Service?
    7. How Do I Make Someone Inactive?
    8. I Saved A New Employee Name But Dont See It Listed In The Directory Of Employee?
    9. How Do I Get A Profile Printout Of Someone?
    10. Can I Alter The List Of Appraisal Items?
  4. Payroll Issues
    1. How Do I Make A Payment?
    2. Our Director is Over 65 Years Old, How Do I Increase His Free PAYE?
    3. Can I Alter The Tax Rates?
    4. Am Trying To Pay Salary - And Get The Message 'Setup Pay Year First' ?
    5. I Entered The Hours On The Timesheet, But Dont See It On The Pay Draft - Why?
    6. Can I Delete A Payment ?
    7. How Do You Advance To The Next Pay Cycle?
    8. How Do I Setup Housing?
    9. Can I Add A Second Loan To An Existing One?
    10. How Many Different Voluntary Deductions Can I Create?
    11. How Do I Suspend A Voluntary Deduction Or Allowance?
    12. I Have Added A New Employee Name And Need To Add The P45 ?
    13. How Do I Pay For Leave?
    14. How Do I Retrieve Payments From Previous Pay Years?
    15. Why Does the Screen Flashes Red when I Click Save On The Pay Advise Draft ?
    16. Can I selectively pay employee?
  5. Printing & Reporting
    1. How Do I Change The Payslip Size?
    2. Can The Print Setting Be Adjusted To Accomodate Landcape Printing?
    3. How Do I Selectively Choose Reports And Persons To Print?
    4. What paper size is the payslip printed on?
    5. The pay advice shows only a summary of hours & rates, How Do I Show The Detail?
    6. How Do I Print A Page From The List Of Pages On The Print Preview?
    7. Can I Print Cheques?
    8. How Do I Remove The Year To Date Amount For Redundant Items On The Pay Advice?
    9. What Type Of Reports Can I Print?
    10. How Do I Redirect My Printout To Another Printer?
    11. Can I Export The Print Preview Report?
  6. Project Issues
    1. How Do I Add A New Project?
    2. Can I Ignore The Project Information On The Timesheet Entry Screen?
    3. What Type Of Project Report Can I Get?
    4. Why The Project Name Disappear From The 'List Of Projects' on the timesheet Entry Form?
    5. How Do I Set Up Project Bonus & Incentives?
    6. Can I Assign Fixed Pay Employee To A Project Without Entering Hours On Timesheet?


  7. Miscellaneous
    1. Got a Power Outage And When I Tried To Relogin I Got Message 'Data Path Not Found' ?
    2. How do I Register?
  8. Trouble-shooting
    1. Internet explorer will not upload (multiple) files when OASys is used over …

Management Summary

Where do I find a summary on OASys and its features?

I'm looking for some kind of documentation that I can show my boss, so that he'll get interested enough to allow me to spend the time and resources to test-install and evaluate further.

Directly from Oasys Preview - a powerpoint overview with screen shots and information on the program functions and capabilities

Installing and Running OASys

What operating systems does OASys run on?

OASys will run on any system using Microsoft Windows OS.

What license governs the use of OASys?

There are four different single company license [i] Lite - For 9 or less employee, [ii] Flex - for up to 40 employee, [iii] Glow - for up to 100 employee and [iv] Turbos for over 100 employee.

You can purchase a license for multiple companies, unlimited number of employee. The program functionaly remain the same in all options.

Can I migrate my payroll data?

Yes. For more information see: Import/Export in user guide.

What are the dependencies of OASys?

OASys depends on the following software: Windows, of course, but also MS Word for document processing and MSDE objects for database access.

How do I install OASys?

For CD Installation: Insert the CD into the CD or DVD tray.

The autorun feature should start the installation process. If not then click [Start] ---> [Run] then type in the space provided: D:\setup (note replace "D:\": with your CD or DVD drive letter if it is not "D"). Read and follow the onscreen interactive wizard instruction to complete the installation.

Web Installation:

Go to the download pages > www.oasysoft.com/download < then type your email address and the download password mailed to. Double click the file you want to download and install. You can save or open to install. Read and follow the onscreen interactive wizard instruction to complete the installation.

How can I install OASys in a specific folder?

At setup during the installation when requested for install destination - 
    Create or choose the folder of your choice.

By default the program will install in the "C:\program files\Oasys" folder 

Can I Install Multiple Copies Of OASys?

Yes, but is not necessary on the same computer for a different computer OK.

Can I manage multiple company payroll & HRM from a single installation of OASys?

(or do I have to setup a different directory for each one?)

Only one installation is required - then for each company, create workfiles to store their records (click file->new).

Each company file exist as an independent entity with its own set of employee, rates etc

How Do I Switch Between Company Files.

From the Company Menu (top left main menu list) click the "Open button" then use the windows explorer to locate and open your workfile. The workfile name that is currently open is always displayed at the left on the status bar (bottom of window).

Can I Access OASys Payroll data over my Network?

Yes, First you must locate the file from the file -> open menu in OASys then in the file explorer window type or browse to the network address in the "look in" field of the file explorer.

I Have Both Monthly and ForthNightly Employee, Do I Need A Different Datafile For Each?

No, A single datafile is enough, when you setup your employee just indicate the payroll cycle in the Employee Details section. You can choose from Weekly, ForthNightly, Monthly or Contractual.

How do I reliably create backups of my OASys environment?

From the OASys Utility --> Backup command

How do I change the format used for displaying date and time?

You change the format by setting an appropriate 'locale' in the Windows Regional Setting from Control Panel.


I dont remember the name of my oasys datafile?

You could use the windows search tool to look for files with file extension OAS. Furthermore the system log will display filepath opened in your last session and is displayed at the bottom left corner of the program's status bar.

I Forget My Password ?

If you lose your login password or change it to something you cannot remember then you cannot access your data as a valid user ID and password is required to login. You must contact our support section to reset the user accounts in your database.

How Do I Setup Users

There are two ways to access the form used to set up or modify user account.

From the main login screen you can click the [Setup User] button or if you are already login then click Users from the "Setup" menu and complete the screen with the relevant user ID and password information. You can also set the access level for the users on this form.

Managing Employee

How do I Add The Employee Name

First you must open the employee details form (click Personnel -> Add New Employee), complete the form with the relevant information for the employee. Press the SAVE button when finish. (note at minimum you need last & first name, the employee number and a paycycle)

For more detail see setup employee in the user guide

Can I Change An Employee Record After I Have Saved It

Yes, you can change the employee information except the ID Number once your UserID rights allows it. Type any new information to overwrite the existing one then press the [SAVE] button. select [YES] at the confirmation message request box. To change the ID Number You must use the Utility -> Upgrade-> EmployeeID option.

I Don't Have A Photo And The Other Personnel Data, Can I Save The Record Without It

Yes, as long as you have the employee's name, ID# and paycycle you can save it, all the other information can be added later.

what does "basic gross pay " signify

The "Basic Gross Pay" is the fix monthly, weekly or forthnightly salary before tax not including any allowances, bonus, overtime etc. It the earning varies like hourly wages or overtime then use the timesheet to enter the hours with the appropriate rates. The rates can be predefined on "wage rate" chart.

Where Do I Log Training Information

Training, Work Experience and Academic Achievements are entered using the "A Profile" tab of the employee details form. You can also scan and attach a copy of the certificate, award or merith to their record.

How Do I Get A list Of All Employee With Over 10 Years Of Service

Use search, click the search icon and select "age" from the 1st box , then select ">" in the 2nd box, then type "10" in the 3rd box. Click the [Show Result] button for result. You can also use search for several other lookup. see drop list.

How Do I Make Someone Inactive

Locate the person name in the directory list. Right click mouse on the name of the person then click [Employee Info] from the [HRMS] sub menu. Change the [Employee State] combo field value from "Active" to "Inactive" then click the [SAVE] button.

I Saved A New Employee Name But Dont See It Listed In The Directory Of Employee

You may need to press the refresh button or from the main menu click show --> querries then use the search option to find your entry.

How Do I Get A Profile Printout Of Someone?

Locate the person's name from the directory of employee list, then click the sub menu button of the print icon (arrow at right of print icon) and click the "Profile Of Employee" button.

Can I Alter The List Of Appraisal Items?

Yes, Go to Setup --> Appraisal - the button on the form are self explanatory for adding, deleting or modifying the existing list.

How long is the information kept for?

The database records has no expiry date. Records can be accumulated for as much disk space as provided. The performance of the system however maybe impacted by the volume of data that searches will query.

Is P45 mandatory when adding an employee?

The p45 is not mandatory. Where there are no entry in the p45 table (Null) then cycle 1 related taxes and thresholds is applied as of the startup date stated for the person instead of January 1 . Zero’s (0) should be entered in the p45 form for person with no prior employment in the current calendar year.

Does the system run automatically?

In general the system requires a user log on, users are validated via Active Directory or through the built in OASys user validation module

Will someone be required to update the banks csv files each time a payroll is done?

There are different platforms used by different banks. The bank report templates allows you to customize the report and output format (CSV, dbf, text , Excel etc) to match the bank requirement. Yes these report requires manual upload transfer to banking portal

Can the parameters be set for one employee and then copied for another?

Not all options are Batch Mode Aware but most payment transaction changed values can be updated in batch mode

Does the hours worked (time clock) if unpaid affect calculations for vacation etc.?

For wage earned (Paid by the hour) employee, Lateness and other tardy time are deducted based on the pay rules. Pay rules are used to monitor and pay persons who have hours less that the required daily or weekly requirements. Vacation and other approved off days are handled separately

Is there a limit of the number of companies for each license?

Yes, There is a limit on the number of company a license will cover

How much biometric scans do you get with the hrms system?

Minimum 2, Maximum based on user setting - consideration whether they punch on all exit/entry or break intervals

Can the biometric system allow both finger print and pin, for the same employee or not?

Yes, up to two finger print per person, PIN and password or Swipe Card options available

Who does the installation of the biometric system?

OASys Systems provide the services for installation and configuration of the Biometric devices.Where extensive network cabling is required we recommend that’s undertaking be done by specialist in that field.

How long after installation can it be used?

Software – Immediately Time clocks - As soon as the employee fingerprints are enrolled into device

Must there be an agreement with the bank and us for the payroll to be done?

Not for the processing of the payroll but YES to upload payments using the bank portal ( login particulars must be provided by the bank)

Can the system automatically be set for the data transfer to the accounting software?

Yes – Not all accounts packages are supported for direct General journal transfer but the common one – QuickBooks, MYOB, Peachtree, ACCPAC, Real World are readily available

What are the terms for an employee? Or is this the requirement of the employer to create such?

The labour law’s provides the basis terms for all employee (Work hours, compensation, Leave eligibility, Termination of services etc). Other terms can be set between employee and employer

Does the system scans, or should this be done prior to the employee data submission?

Scan can be done before or after data submission. The ID’s must however be consistent between clock device and database

If an employee makes a query (biometric) will this be logged on their record as well?

Queries (time/date ,user) logged in the user audit trails stored in the database and does NOT affect personal or transaction records.

Is the tax automatically done?

Yes – Taxes are mandatory and are waived only by permission set up administrative users

What’s the difference between the Payroll training and the ultra-payroll?

There are two version of the software – SQL Server version and the Lite version that use the Jet database engine The Ultra-Payroll refers to the SQL Server version of the application. Payroll training covers the system scope for administering Payroll Taxes, Banking, General Payroll Accounts , Benefits, Personal Deductions etc

Do both payrolls (mentioned above) come in the package?

No, Depending on clients needs we make recommendation however clients have the freedom of choice